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Asltavista.com (1# security and underground site) 

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Welcome to our new website www.patriotbroadcasting.com

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PBN Articles
New ! Spy Camera & How To Defeat the Technology
 Florida Anthrax 
FBI 'allowed mafia to continue with plot
Falsely imprisoned, men sue FBI agent
Why I Won't Obey Gun Registration Edict
TWA Flight 800 Exclusives From PBN
Did Nasa Fool Us Too?
Transcript:Pentagon Briefing On U.S. 
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Got Security?

Question of the Week

Terrorism has required an increase in security. What should be done when martial law troops move in?

Wave a flag and accept it as a sign of the times?
Do nothing?
Join in on a protest?
Fight against them?


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"High Jack this Fags" caught the eye of political Korrect police. Next time just drop fags? :-)

Don't Be Political in AmeriKA!
By now most of you have heard about Mark Koernke's conviction.   
Dear friends, 
           Thank you for your continued support. Much has happened since March 29th the date of Mark's conviction. We found the Legal Eagle who put in the notice of appeal before the expiration of the 42 day limit to file for appeal. Since then we have had set 2 dates for motions hearings that have not come to pass do to the assistant lawyer's either misfilings or personal problems. I had to let this person go as his efforts have been counter productive in Mark's case.  A new lawyer has been retained for Mark that has an extensive appellate background. We have a tentative date for the bond hearing October 1, 2001.  

          Please drop Mark a note, he has requested news articles they can be copied and sent, his address is as follows ... 
  Mark Gregory,, Koernke #295350  
  Michigan Reformatory (RMI)  
  1342 West Main Street 
  Ionia, Michigan  48846 
          The reality of our situation is that  with the  economy as it is  I cannot  keep up with the bills and fight for Mark's freedom. I need your help to keep the bills paid and make repairs so I can  sell this old house.  I have taken steps to go back to school to be more self sufficient. As you know we have always taught self sufficiency. Food, water and when possible safe fuel storage. The old  Boy Scout rule of be prepared, has been  one of the corner stones in all that we have talked about over the past 15 years. We have laid in supplies enough to keep us going for quite a while. 
 I am making myself available to do speeches/appearances for more information  call me at 734-424-9335. 
            Don and Tony know that Mark and I have the greatest confidence in their resolve to carry on in  Mark's stead. They have been very supportive and have done much to  continue the work that needs to be done to insure the freedom of  all Americans. 
 I want to thank Steve Anderson, Dave Martin, and all the people who  
contributed  to put up the station in Kentucky. God Bless You all please continue to support the station and Steve. Mark and I saw this as a very necessary communications net for the patriots coast to coast. Keep up the great work! 
          Mark has asked that all of you to keep your media spools handy. Please collect any media coverage of the JBTs on the news feeds. Like the Gray situation where the truck involved in the drive by shooting had on board a local "law official" or the incident out east where the locals beat a diabetic in shock and released the attack dogs on him. We would like to incorporate these into a know your enemy video, and would like footage from across the nation. 
     Of course our foremost concern is for Mark's release and  appeal . 

He is supposed to return to the Straits Facility (if they have their way). So all mail that has gone there will be forwarded to him at the Jackson Facility.   
    Thank You for keeping us in your prayers.   
                                Nancy Koernke   

Send a donation for Mark's appeal expenses to: 
      Nancy Koernke 
        P.O. Box 194 
Dexter, Michigan 48130 

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